I was recently interviewed by Derek Holser for an online series of talks looking at the life and works of George MacDonald, particularly focusing on his 1895 novel Lilith. I hope you find it interesting and helpful.
Is the Gospel Good News?
An Easter meditation in the company of George MacDonald and David Bentley Hart
“Yet I know that good is coming to me—that good is always coming; though few have at all times the simplicity and the courage to believe it.”
– George MacDonald
The Easter festival celebrates that Jesus, through his incarnation, death, and resurrection, decisively defeated the powers of evil in this world. Few who call themselves Christians would argue with this central Christian claim; however, exactly how this was achieved and its implications are an ongoing matter of debate. Here, I want to focus on just one aspect of that debate and its consequences with particular thanks to my mentor George MacDonald and to David Bentley Hart as we dip into the latter’s paper, “God, Creation, and Evil: The Moral Meaning of creatio ex nihilho.”1 Continue reading “Is the Gospel Good News?”